Data Diving [oo]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Heahea City
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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 5:58:22 GMT
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Oscar coughed softly, leaning on his office chair as he carefully watched the monitor before him. He was looking through Genesect's eyes, who was currently flying toward the ruins of Sea Mauville. was beginning work on his Sea Mauville project, and Oscar had volunteered to lend a hand. He was already lending funding, but due to his personal interest in Sea Mauville he jumped at the chance to take a more direct role in the effort.

Today he and another Rocket volunteer named were retrieving left over data stuck within the sunken ruins of New Mauville. Oscar knew a minimal amount about his partner for this mission. She was an electrician (big plus), and that was basically all he knew. Rowan had given the two of them a lot of freedom when it came to accomplishing the mission. It was up to them whether they personally dove for the stored data or sent a proxy in their stead. 

Oscar was in no condition to dive, evident by the black tar still erupting from his mouth every time he coughed. He had opted instead to stay behind at the Rocket Sub docked in Sootopolis, sending Genesect to dive in his stead. Whether Genesect would see Cygne in person at the ruins or not was a mystery. Oscar had sent word to Cygne that he could be found on the sub, so she might turn up to observe the mission from afar. Or she could be ready to dive herself, either way Oscar would meet her soon.
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
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5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 18:42:14 GMT
ana fell Avatar

Cyg was trying really hard not to seem too excited about this whole adventure. [break][break]

Apparently, her baking prowess had won her some fans, because soon after her marvelous misadventures in the kitchen with , she was pinged for a high priority mission. Something so secret and so pre-eminent, the dossier didn’t even have all the information. Just a location, and the name of her mission partner: . [break][break]

She knew who he was, of course. She wasn’t Patrick fucking Star, living under a rock. He was the CEO of GMH. He was, pretty much, 100% licensed a badass. And working with him was supposed to be an honor. That would remain to be seen. [break][break]

So far, all of the Rocket higher-ups she’d met had been really cool people: Elisabeth and , most specifically, but also , who’d been listed as a foundation contact for this mission. Cyg imagined he’d been the one to get her named to something so important. [break][break]

Mauville City was a blip on the horizon as Anatida did a wide loop over the location of Sea Mauville. She knew Oscar was staying behind on the sub in Sootopolis, so she looked for his proxy. She’d gone back and forth on whether or not she’d make an appearance, herself, but ultimately decided it would be faster, and easier, if she got hands on with the project. [break][break]

Genesect was not hard to spot. Cyg leaned forward between her Swanna’s shoulders, directing the bird down to the decrepit platform ran ajar of a sandbar which signaled the top portion of Sea Mauville. “Hey,” she said in greeting, hopping off Anatida and artfully dodging the angry swan’s stabbing beak. Without looking, she reached up and wrapped an arm around her Pokemon’s head, pulling her beautiful, arching neck down into a bear hug. “Ready to get started?” she imagined he could see and hear her through Genesect.


+ occupied ocean !!



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March 18
Heahea City
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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 1:45:26 GMT
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Oscar's mission partner would arrive at Sea Mauville shortly after Genesect touched down. At first the android did not realize that the trainer who landed nearby and provided a greeting was its ally, and as it looked Cygne up and down it debated which way she should be dispatched. Luckily Oscar was watching from the sub and acted quickly.

"Miss Cygne, it's a pleasure to meet you." Oscar's voice rang out clearly from Genesect, another trick he installed before the trip. The irony of his greeting made the beast chuckle, seeing as how they were not meeting in person. His chuckle caused him to cough though, which he failed to mute. Thus Cygne and Genesect would probably be staring at each other as Oscar hacked away into his microphone. Great first impression.

Oscar eventually managed to compose himself, "Apologies, I have the world's most fucked up cold. Hence why you are talking to a robot. Who is not gonna attack, right Genesect? She's our friend." Genesect heard its master's words and tilted its head, unsure if it should let its guard down. After all, that was one dangerous looking Swanna. It trusted its master's judgement however, and turned away from their ally and toward Sea Mauville.

Oscar spoke to Cygne once again, "I assume you know the mission yeah? We just gotta dive into Sea Mauville's depths and grab some lost data. No big deal. Genesect knows the way so try to stay as close to it as possible. It doesn't know how to fuckin' pace itself though so don't lag behind." As if on cue Genesect proved Oscar's point by diving into the water without warning. It began to swim deep into the ocean, making its way toward the underside of the ruins of Sea Mauville.

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2022 16:31:49 GMT
ana fell Avatar

One of the first things Cyg put in a requisition for after being assigned this mission was new clothes. To her great joy, Rocket seemed to have no issue with funds-- or taste. She was wearing a form-fitting ‘flying’ suit, sort of a two-piece track outfit, long sleeves with thumbholes. Underneath was an equally svelte whole-body diving suit, black with a purple trim. As spoke through the Genesect, Cyg zipped out of her flying suit, dropping it to the deck of Sea Mauville. [break][break]

“Yeah, same,” she said to the proxy in greeting, as she quickly went through a checklist of items in her head. Her pokeballs were sealed in capsules around her waist, and there was a thigh-band with a sort of square-shaped empty holster and buckle on her right thigh. She tried to ignore Genesect’s weird laugh even though it would definitely haunt her dreams forever.[break][break]

“Appreciate it,”
she said, a bit of wry sarcasm leeching into her voice, when Oscar proclaimed Genesect would do her no harm. She continued listening to it as it made it’s way to the edge of the platform; Clayton had barely finished speaking when the purple mech launched itself into the water. Cyg popped on her small, star-shaped O2 mask, and swung back up on Anatida’s back. In the same motion, she unsealed one of her PokeBalls, and strapped Sinistree’s odd keystone into the holster on her thigh. [break][break]

Anataida charge-waddled to the end of the platform and dove in after Genesect, a smooth, natural motion. In the water, the large, gangly bird became graceful, and Cyg plastered herself to the swan’s back. [break][break]

Genesect cut a straight swathe through the sea; Anatida’s motion was more organic, slicing back and forth in S-curves in the wake of the insect. [break][break]

"Do you have any idea how deep we're going?" Cyg asked, voice raspy through the speaker technology rigged up by Rocket, allowing her to communicate with her teammate. [break][break]


+ occupied ocean !!



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 18:00:37 GMT
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DARKNESS BECOMES MORE PREVALENT THE DEEPER YOU TWO DIVE, casting sinister-looking shadows off the bent and rusted metal structure of the facility. The data storage room had been sunken deep enough below the surface that previous considerations for recovery had been deemed unnecessarily dangerous, but in the name of Team Rocket there was VALUABLE INFORMATION to be found and you would persist through the hostile environment in search of these assets.

Finessing through the dilapidated skeleton of Sea Mauville was difficult, having become a winding series of passages of which most were submerged. SHARP PIECES OF METAL jutted out from the walls where the pressure collapsed the structure itself, making maneuvering between the plant-life a chore.

At last, you both surface in a pocket of air where rows of data centers were still humming with life. You'd find breathing here was difficult, the air stagnant and musty from having no proper flow of oxygen for years. Yet, you'd swear you saw something DART BETWEEN THE SERVER BANKS in the shadows. Closer inspection yields a horrifying result, a bloated and decayed corpse propped against one of the containers, strangely enough appearing to still be SLICK WITH WATER as though it'd recently been submerged.

CRIMSON EYES BEGIN TO GLOW in the darkness all around you, one set at first, then another, then a half-dozen more. Before you have a chance to retreat, the figures advance on you with predatory speed, a swarm of TENTACOOL ravenous and out for blood.

Or perhaps, a new host?

Is this data really worth your lives? WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:51:07 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
When taking on this assignment, Oscar had expected this to be a straight forward voyage. Everything started out pretty standard, the dive (while dark) was hardly a challenge for Genesect. When both Genesect and Cygne popped into the air pocket, Oscar was both relieved and impressed. It surely was not easy to keep up with the speedy android in the inky darkness of the ocean's depths.

Oscar's voice would sound off as Genesect got out of the water, "You alright Cygne?" Before he could get an answer though, Genesect noticed the movement between the servers. He followed it to the location of the dead body, and Oscar's surprise would trigger a coughing fit. As the red eyes appeared all around, Genesect immediately prepared for battle. 

As the tentacool emerged from the shadows, Oscar gave Genesect a command. "Genesect, make precise attacks. Don't damage the servers." Genesect's eyes began to glow a bright red, it was time to finally put its power to use once more. Genesect used its claws to stab toward the tentacool with Fell Stinger. These jabs would allow for more careful aiming, hopefully preventing any damage to the stored data around them. 

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2022 16:22:06 GMT
ana fell Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]coming up[break]for air

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]looking out the window as I'm caving in


Slowly but surely the amount of light reaching them begins to reduce. One moment, she and Ana are swirling through sunbeams daggering through the water, and the next they’re submerged in a hazy, gray gloom. Cyg had to squint to keep tabs on Genesect, but her Swanna swam with instinctual speed and grace, and had no problem trailing the mech as they sank through layers and layers of darkness. [break][break]

Cyg’d read a book about Noctowls once, and it’d said that, to nocturnal creatures, the darkness was never just dark. It had different textures, viscosities. It wasn’t till now, as she was pushed in on all sides by nightmarish, oozing blackness, that she understood what the book was talking about. [break][break]

As they headed deeper into Sea Mauville, the submerged structure began to take on a life of its own. Corners, walls, hallways, cubicles all became forms in the gloom, looming and frightening. Every now and then Cyg thought she saw movement and would jerk her head in the direction to find it was just fragmented metal peeling from a wall. She wasn’t so much scared as she was thrilled-- like the kind of excitement you get when you’re watching a suspenseful movie. [break][break]

Cygne had wanted to be in those types of movies, once. This was way better. [break][break]

Even sunken and dilapidated, Sea Mauville was armed with its own claws. Anatida had to pull her wings in super tight to avoid being scratched, or catching herself on jagged edges and splintering metal. She made it through mostly unscathed, save for a few feathers sheared off and left to float in the depthless ocean. [break][break]

The sound of ’s voice filtered back through the stagnant air as Genesect, Cyg, and Anatida broke from the water; already raspy and echoing through the mech’s vocalics, the strange, echoing hum of the data chamber made it eerier, somehow. “Yeah, boss,” Cyg said, immediately reverting to subordinate mode, as she’d been indoctrinated by the workforce all her life. “All good here.” [break][break]

She was amazed things were still running, at this depth and after all this time. Cyg climbed off her Swanna and recalled her to save on room, and oxygen-- her mouthpiece would continue to work, even out of water, but Ana had no benefit. She found herself scaling a staircase that lifted her completely out of the water. [break][break]

The air was warm and suffocating, trapped for years beneath the surface of the sea, and heated by the chugging data centers. It was stifling in her dive suit. As she approached one of the consoles, movement out of the corner of her eye made her jump a bit. She and Oscar must have identified it at the same time, because Cyg said, “Shit,” just as his coughing jag began to echo out from Genesect. [break][break]

The darkness around them lit up with eyes. The motion from the incoming Tentacool and Genesects responding attacks made the tangled corpse slouch forward at her; instinctively, Cyg reached a hand out to push the offensive object away. Her stomach dropped as her hand sloughed through the squid-munched, bloated flesh. Her hands were gloved and prevented her from touching it, but she still got to experience the sensation of decayed carcass collapsing in around her fingers, smelled the cloud of viscous rot it expelled, and watched a piece of intestine slip free of the abdominal cavern and loop tantalizingly in the dark, before an angry and ravenous beak sliced through the air and snipped it off. [break][break]

Terrifying and cool.[break][break]

Oscar wasted no time launching Genesect into motion; the mech was a scalpel of ferocity and precision. Cyg was torn between engaging in battle and trying to get the task completed as quickly as possible. She tapped the odd keystone holstered at her hip twice-- a bit harder than she intended-- and a loud roar, like a whoosing of air, with the distant sound of hideous laughter, drowned out all the other noises in the room. A giant, purple cloud with a malevolent, jagged grin billowed from the keystone to light the data center up lavender and green. [break][break]

Cyg rolled her eyes and ducked down, just as Genesect slashed over her, swiftly dealing with an attacking Tentacool. She approached one of the data stacks; some of the neon blue LED lights bordering it still worked, flickering and spitting electric blue light, but were quickly subsumed in purple gas. A plexiglass plate sealed the front of the stack, protecting it from water and other damage. [break][break]

“Get this off,” Cyg ordered, and the mocking laughter increased tenfold. Sinistree’s form began to bubble and shift as she slithered through the seam of the glass plate. She gathered her pneumatic body there, increasing the pressure as more and more of her filtered in, until finally the plexiglass jumped free with a pop. Cyg grabbed it and whirled, slamming it into the mantle of nearby Tentacool and pushing it backwards. “Keep them off my back,” she commanded her Spiritomb as she inserted a USB drive into a slot on the data sock. The light next to the slot flicked yellow, then green, and a matching light on the drive slowly pulsed yellow, indicating a download.

“We’re in business!” Cyg yelled over the din of battle and Sinistree’s ethereal, echoing uproarious laughter, following the lines in the data stack to the next USB slot and repeating the motion. [break][break]

TL ; DR[break]> upon reaching the data room, Cyg recalls Anatida the Swanna to save on space and oxygen[break]> She accidentally touches the nasty corpse[break]> Uses Sinsitree, her Spiritomb, to pop open the protective case on a data stack and begins to download the information onto a USB, dodging and avoiding Tentacool and relying mostly on Genesect to protect her[break]> Once the cover is off, Sinistree uses uproar to keep the Tentacool distracted/away and just generally to cause chaos because she's a menace. Cyg continues to download data.[break]> HOPE THIS IS OKAY POG



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[newclass=.cygocean .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#323848;[/newclass]
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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 2:04:58 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Genesect tore through the tentacool with surgical precision. Every rip of jellyfish flesh spurred it forward, its jabs becoming faster and faster. It was not going to allow a single tentacle to attack its human compatriot, and its building bloodlust ensured Cygne would be able to work unopposed. Cygne's spiritomb further solidified their defense, the two of them fending off the tentacool hoard even as it grew in size. 

However, Genesect could only slay so many with physical force alone. As a seamlessly endless wave of tentacool emerged from the shadows, it knew that an easier solution would be required. It began to charge up the cannon on its back, which Oscar loudly protested. 

"Genesect no! Cygne must finish downloading the data first! We can't risk damaging the machinery!" Genesect reluctantly powered down is cannon, just in time for an especially devious squid to wrap around its exoskeleton. Genesect skewered it and threw the carcass aside, but it was a sign that things were about to get overwhelming real quick. 

Witnessing this first hand, Oscar spoke out hoping to reach Cygne's ears. "Yell out as soon as you download the last of the data! We will need to wipe out this entire room to escape!"

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2022 19:47:56 GMT
ana fell Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]coming up[break]for air

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]looking out the window as I'm caving in


Jellyfish like Tentacool didn’t so much have blood as they had bodies filled with a weird jelly-like substance; Genesect was splattering this mesoglea around like paint at a children’s party. A stray tentacle, severed from the main body, landed on the back of Cyg’s neck with a wet slap; she was so focused on finishing her job she just swept it away, mostly protected by her wetsuit.
By the time the fourth USB was in the first was done downloading so Cyg swiped it and used it for the next slot; on and on up the data banks she went, palms sweaty with stress, hair slicked to her scalp with seawater and the nascent humidity of the underwater cavern. Sinistree’s uproar had made it thunderously loud in there, the hideous laughter competing with Gensect’s metallic beeps and the gurgling noises from the dying Tentacool.
Oscar’s direction made Cyg wilt as she looked at the sheer number of data stacks surrounding them. She swallowed hard, wanting to tell him there was probably no way they could obtain them all; but she also didn’t want to mouth off to a superior. Moving with haste, she had Sinistree help her pop off another protective cover, and went to work stealing that information too.

TL ; DR[break]> sinsitree is making an uproar![break]> cyg continues to download data



[newclass=.llppromised]--promisedAccent:#111111;padding:9px;border:solid 1px #e5e5e5;background-color:#f9f9f9;width:425px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.llppromisedtitle]padding-right:10px;font:35px Poppins;font-weight:700!important;letter-spacing:-.5px;color:var(--promisedAccent);line-height:30px;padding-bottom:25px;border-bottom:solid 5px #ececec;margin-bottom:25px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.llppromisedtag span]flex-grow:1;[/newclass]

[newclass=.cygocean .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#323848;[/newclass]
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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2022 20:41:57 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar coughed roughly, his anxiety enflaming his chest and stomach. This mission was supposed to be simple, in and out with little consequence. Yet here they were, backs figuratively against the wall as a hoard of homicidal jellyfish sought their end. Well, Cygne and Genesect's end--Oscar would be fine but STILL!

Genesect was fed up with holding back. This battle could have been over ages ago if it did not have to be careful around these servers! By now there were too many to take on in direct combat. Genesect was forced to dive behind Sinistea's cover, bringing the hoard uncomfortably close. The pressure was on now, if Genesect could not find a way to take out a bunch of them at once they would be overrun.

Wait a moment, perhaps---

It was worth a shot, he will not get brownie points for doing nothing. He peeked his cannon just beyond the protective cover and shot out an Electro Web. The shocking net scooped up a bunch of Tentacool at once, evaporating their watery innards as they slid across the floor in a squirming heap. Genesect kept firing out Electro Webs, sometimes succeeding in capturing a bunch and sometimes only snagging one or two. It helped that they were all grouping up toward them, if they had spread themselves out this plan probably would not have worked.

It was not much, but Genesect had bought them some time. Now it was up to Cygne to make use of it.

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
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ana fell DOLLARS
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2022 18:22:14 GMT
ana fell Avatar

Cyg pressed low against the data stacks, forced downward by Genesect seeking cover in Sinstree’s hazy, purple cloud. The weight of the mech at her back was an approrpos metaphor for the weight that she carried in this whole endeavor. She forced herself to stay calm, working at the data stacks, switching USBs as soon as their lights flashed green.
Genesect’s electro webs charged the air, going off with a chunk-chunk-sizzle noise and making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. These, coupled with Sinistree’s continuing uproar, provided them with immediate protection, as any jellyfish who strayed too close rocked back, their fluid-filled body jiggling as though being struck with invisible punches from Sinistree’s uproarious soundwaves.
But the move only had one more turn in it-- Cyg had shifted left, fingers slipping under a plexiglass plate and ripping it off with the sheer strength beholden to someone powered by fear and adrenaline. “I-- I don’t know if I can get them all,” she panted, desperation clogging her voice as she scrabbled for purchase on the next one before the previous had even been downloaded.
She went out too far and a gray tentacle came dangerously close to touching her, but she yelped and shied back, drawing the cnidarian Pokemon into Sinsitree’s uproar and watching it get buffeted by the sound. Her eyes flashed back and forth between data stacks, grabbing a USB as soon as it was done and shoving it into the new stack. She was on 4 of 5.


+ /occupied ocean/character switching is hard tl;dr sinistree continues to make an uproar, cygne is on the second to last data stack, she's givin her all she's got cappy



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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 2:06:32 GMT
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Oscar's voice rang out from Genesect, calm despite the disaster he was witnessing. He had to be calm, otherwise the situation would only get worse. "Genesect will not let a single tentacle reach you. Focus on your task, and the very moment it was finished make it known! Genesect, as soon as you hear Cygne declare that she has finished--you know what to do."

Genesect let out a bizarre ringing sound, which almost sounded like an excited cackle to anyone who did not know any better. Genesect put itself between Cygne and the hoard, ensuring that any tentacool that wished to grab her would have to get through it. Of course, Genesect had no plans to allow such vile creatures to even graze its armor.

Genesect was pulling double duty, firing Electro Webs to dispatch tentacool that clumped together and slashing with Fell Stinger at any that got too close. It was not a permanent solution, but it was enough to get the job done. It had to be! Oscar leaned forward, his nails digging into his armrests. They were so close--just a little further...

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a. z. fell
December 21st
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ana fell
Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 22:46:51 GMT
ana fell Avatar
Oscar's voice, mechanized and distant though it was, helped her regain her composure. Stop being a baby, she thought, swapping another USB, way to blubber and cry on your first mission. Useless.
Sinistree's didn't let her uproar die, re-upping the attack with a screeching giggle like a record skipping. Cyg swapped another USB, then another.
"Last one!" she yelled, willing it to go faster, as though the fear and adrenaline buzzing in her veins would make the little yellow bar turn green quicker. Green flash, swipe. Three more to go.
We still have to get out, she thought, the weight of that challenge threatening to have tears emerge from the corners of her eyes. We still have to get out, we have to get out. Green flash, switch. Two left. Sinsitree's keystone was a cold weight on her right hip. Her whole body was numb, somehow, despite the humidity.
Green flash, switch.
"One USB left," she said, surprised her tongue was working, zipping the others securely into an interior, waterproofed pocket of her wetsuit, for protection. If she lost them after all this, she might as well just off herself.
Green fla--
"DONE!" She popped Anatida's Pokeball on the ground and jumped onto the swan's back as the avian launched herself forward. "Let's go, Genesect!" Blue flames licked her feathers as she used brave bird to propel herself through the swarm, obliterating them like a laser; the smell of heated rubber made Cyg nauseated as her wetsuit burned, only to be doused when Ana pitched them both into the submerged hallway; Sinistree's purple cloud trailing behind them like an eggplant contrail. She barely had enough time to zip the final USB away before she hit the water, but despite her shaking fingers, she did.


+ /occupied ocean tl;dr sinistree continues to use uproar, cyg finishes downloading data, brings out anatida the swanna and uses brave bird to blow through the squids and into the submerged passage that led them there.



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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2022 19:44:16 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Oscar predicted, Genesect's strategy would make for a strong defense. The Tentacool could not get too close, but they did not cease their assault. They were seemingly endless, a starved hoard provided with a carrot on a stick. They would not rest until their prey was consumed.

They would not get the chance though. As the tentacool pressed forward--as Genesect was pushed to the brink of its capabilities--Cygne finished her task. Her counter attack was swift, Brave Birding through the center of the hoard to escape. Oscar jumped from his seat, "Genesect now!" Genesect ran forward, using the space cleared out by Cygne to make it to the other side of the room. She had already dove into the water, but Genesect would not yet follow. At the cusp of the entryway, it would turn to face the recovering hoard. They would follow them if given the chance, which means they had to be terminated now.

Oscar agreed, "Leave nothing behind!" Genesect's cannon began to glow, and finally its power would be unleashed. The Techno Blast unleashed from Genesect's cannon would incinerate the hoard. The power of the blast shook the vulnerable room, causing chunks of the ceiling to begin falling. Genesect swept the blast across the room, frying both the remaining tentacool and the servers. Only Rocket would have access to the data that was once held here.

As the blast died down, Genesect leapt backward into the water. As it swam away, chunks of the ceiling would smash into the opening to seal the sealing room once and for all. They had escaped safely, and now all that was left was to navigate back to the sub. Oscar sat back in his chair, wheezing as his adrenaline faded. Relief poured over him as he watched Genesect catch up to Cygne. He pulled out his cellphone, intending to send up update to .

Mission Accomplished

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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 18:59:05 GMT
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